Reading Lately

Hello dears! I’ve been devoting a lot of my free time this month to learning how to hand letter (check out my instagram!) so it’s been a bit lean on the reading lately. 

Happy Handmade Home
(from my bro and sis-in-law!)
4 stars
This is such a fun eye-candy book. A lot of the DIY projects are more like “hacks” and guidelines than exact directions, but that isn’t the point. The point is to have a fun, gorgeously colorful invitation into Emma and Elsie’s, of a Beautiful Mess, beautifully crafted, fresh homes. I came away with a handful of ideas and inspiration to create even more of a home that reflects ME.  A fun read to pick up, but don’t be expecting in-depth DIY advice…just enjoy a cup of coffee with Emma and Elsie.

The Happy Christian
(provided by booklookbloggers)
by David Murray
4 stars
I admit I struggled through this one. It’s not that the subject isn’t interesting. It’s not that the writing is particularly boring. I just couldn’t jive with it. It’s a mix of scientific exploration and personal anecdotes that engage the question of how believers can find joy in a world that is…well, falling apart. Turning on the news these days is enough to turn anyone’s stomach, or maybe not, since we’re so used to it. There are tons of facts and actionable ideas packed into this little paperback, almost to an overwhelming point. The happy cover belies its heavy subject, and Murray doesn’t miss much in his examination of the subject. If you’re in the mood for a studious read, pick this one up. If you’re looking for a happy read to throw in your suitcase for vacation, maybe choose another book. I do SO appreciate a book that is able to weave faith and science together on such a tricky subject. I love the 10 areas of life he touches on, and find them to be very accurate. I admire Murray for this book, and do hope that perhaps re-reading it will give me even more to mull. 

The Reluctant Midwife
(provided by William Morrow)
by Patricia Harman
3 stars
I’ve been pining for a fiction read, and the cover of this book was so enticing. Having become completely enamored with the BBC series, “Call the Midwife,” I though the subject matter would likely be intriguing as well. Unfortunately, this one didn’t stand up to my expectations. It’s a thick book, 409 pages, but gave away its gig far too soon. Within the first 20 pages I could see the story arc already unfolding before me and felt that I didn’t really need to read any farther. Reading the entire book proved this thought to be true. Granted, the characters were intriguing, and I found myself thinking about them long after I read the book. But I wanted more…the ending was lackluster, character development bumpy, the second half of the book rushed and I found some of the literary devices employed clunky to the reader. The author also seemed to have some strange preoccupations with little things she keeps mentioning. 
What have you been reading lately?
Any good fiction? I’m dying for some!

Happy reading!

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