Category: outfits
This Body Brought to You by Sour Patch Kids
Shop Your Closet
I was cruising around the J. Crew factory store online shop this weekend (they have some steals right now, girls!) and came across this cute little tank, which I loved:
And then I realized that I liked it so much because, in fact, I already owned a nearly identical version:
I wore it in one of my favorite recent outfits (you can see it here):
While the J. Crew version is very cute, and tempting, it rings up at $14.50 on clearance from $26.50. My version? Charlotte Russe clearance, for $2.98. I think today, I’ll shop my closet, and come up with more cute ways to appreciate my years-old J.Crew-look-alike 🙂 And maybe treat myself to a coffee since, obviously, I just saved $11.52 (plus shipping), hehe.
Red, White, and Blue Through and Through
Wow, so this post is incredibly late due to my computer issues.Nonetheless…
Hey guys! So this is definitely not one of my favorite outfits, and I must admit, I think anything “babydoll” lives up to it’s name (no I am NOT pregnant, lol), so I’m not sure why I still have them in my closet! But I like the colors, and I had the photos in my Flickr, so it was the only outfit I could blog from the boyfriend’s house! And I needed to blog something today. Going through withdrawal because my computer is currently fried!
Not a Day Less Will Do
And this song. This lullaby of a love song: