Apricot-Lavender Crisp and Lingonberry Juice
{to celebrate my Swedish heritage on a particularly Swedish day, Midsummer’s Eve, when the treats were served}
{the weather has been so horrid all week, taking pictures in my kitchen is like trying to take pictures in a dungeon. Sorry for the poor lighting}
{remember how I told you here that I loved the cookbook Organic and Chic? This is another recipe from that book}
This combination is amazing. My co-worker almost died in delight when eating this. Deeeee-licious. We decided to make jam this summer with apricots and lavender. Wonder if anyone else has ever done that before. If not, we’ll make millions, it will be so delicious. Please don’t scoop me and start selling it tomorrow 😛
Anyway, we also had this…
Because, despite the brown hair, I’m quite Swedish and yeah, sure, you betcha, I’m quite proud to be!