Snack Time

I’ve discovered the quintessential snack: a cinnamon roll and tea/coffee. The best part about this? It works for ANY time of day: breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, supper, bedtime snack, midnight snack….yep. Any time of day.

Oh, oh, oh, and a song, too, since I’m majorly on this 50s/60s kick:

“One fine day, you’re gonna want me for your girl…”

I’ve been struck by this verse lately:
 “God sets the lonely in families.” ~Psalm 68:6

Isn’t that such a beautiful thought? Incredibly beautiful. I, for one, know that in my own life, God has brought this to pass. I have been in valleys of darkness, feeling very lonely and far away from family. And He has been faithful, and shown me the love of the family of God in an incredibly powerful way. It is such a deep blessing to experience the fellowship of family. God cares so deeply and desperately for us. He is crazy-in-love with us. He wants us, and He takes care of our every need. Indeed…He sets the lonely in families. I’m not sure it gets much better or more beautiful than that. 


  1. I love reading your blog – I stop by every few days to see what might be new. I was touched by your comments – sometimes life seems very isolated! I love how our Lord gives us what we MUST HAVE in order to carry on; my word this week was in Is 61, He knows exactly what we need to hear! Please know that you are touching others with your style and loving comments. I love the shoes BTW!!

  2. Hi Dorothy, Thank you so much for taking the time to make a comment! I know we all have so many other things that demand our attention—I'm so glad that my little corner of the web is part of your week 🙂 I love that God has graced me with the blessing to be a part of people's lives! Thanks for sharing your word, too…a great, great passage. So powerful.

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