I very rarely go shopping. Actual, real, new-clothes shopping, that is. I go thrifting…well, we won’t discuss how often I go thrifting. So when I went to run an errand in a shopping plaza that had a Kohls, I couldn’t resist the allure of checking out the new additions to the LC Lauren Conrad line. While I haven’t been to a Kohls in absolute ages, they have really upped their game, I gotta say. It was a breath of fresh air to look at the colors, textures, styles, and cuts that are current. I’m so used to sifting through dingy colors and ratty old t-shirts at the thrift store! I wanted to share a few of my favorite faith-based fashion finds for spring (modest, budget-friendly, and adorable) from shopping in-person.
Let’s pretend that we’re shopping together! Here are my favorite things that I would pull from the racks and hold up to show you:

You saw that adorable Elle lace peplum top in my last post–it was the most expensive of the things I actually purchased, but I am so excited to wear it all sorts of ways this summer. I also picked up the black/white/hot pink top. It is just so darling! The orange skirt was so cute, but I’m not sure midi-pleats and I get along (someone with more delicate ankles than me, please wear this!). Gray cropped trousers don’t look like anything special, but they were quite adorable on–and the little belt is actually a bow. The blue floral top is just about the softest thing you’ll ever wear (and cute to boot!). A little chiffon peplum vest could go over just about anything..and go from work to weekend easily, too! And who doesn’t love stretchy mint jeans or vintage-inspired sunnies?
I hope you enjoyed “Good Girl Style Goes Shopping”! Let me know if you like this concept for a series, and maybe I’ll take you shopping with me next time, too. But it will be your turn to get the coffees 😉
Wow! I like your sense of fashion. I love to go shopping but not so confident enough to buy clothes since I am so keen choosing clothes. I love them all. They are so perfect for summer. 🙂