A Week’s Worth

{pretty basics} 

{making fresh lemonade}

{way toooooo hot out for my liking + retro vibe} 

{flannel + mocs}
It’s a rainy night and the only words I have for you are these:
It will be alright. 
In fact, it will be brilliantly beautiful. 
Just hang in there. 
Keep smiling. 
Live in the NOW. 
It’s coming. 
{whatever it is…but your heart knows, right?}
And when it comes?
It’s going to be glorious-like-woah.
I’m talking God-moves-mountains sorta huge, and 
heart-exploding-inside-my-chest kinda awesome. 
So hang in there.
It will be alright. 
It will be God-makes-things-so-much-more-than-alright-crazy-good.


  1. First – you're adorable. I love all of those outfits and I want some lemonade now.

    Second – "it will be alright" – yes, sometimes we just need that reminder from someone else.

    Happy Friday, girlie!

  2. You wrote this whole "It will be alright" thing when I needed it most (just as WI was really wearing on me) but I didn't read it until just now, shame on me! I love your words of encouragement 🙂

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