He is our Establish-er

Ya’ll I saw someone wearing this same exact shirt at the library. With jeans. 
WITH JEANS. I mean, c’mon. I decided my shirt deserved some stage time with a pretty skirt, shiny shoes, bling ring, and a bow in my hair. I’m a good momma to my clothes like that.
{full disclosure: i’m sure i’ll wear this with jeans at some point and in fact have worn it with my hot pink jeans but that doesn’t make as good of a story, ok?}
Anyway, I have a question. Is establish-er a word? Like, one who establishes someone or something? 
No matter. 
Let’s pretend it is.
Because God is our Establish-er. 


  1. Girl. I LOOOVE this outfit! So darn cute!

    And I make up words all the time. God gave us creativity and freedom for a reason, right? He was the establish-er of those, too 😉

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