
Grab some chocolate, girl. But the GOOD stuff, none of that drug-store junk, cause we’re gonna need it to read below. I have LOVED Vosges Haut Chocolate since my friend in high school (high school…so long ago…I’m getting old) told me it was her aunt who ran the amazing chocolate shop in Chicago. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen out of touch with that friend (facebook, you’ve failed me and my chocolate-loving ways). Anyway, on my recent trip to Colorado, I flew through Chicago, and was thrilled to find the most gorgeous little Vosges store in my terminal. Of course I bought a few treats. Now….read on….

Lately my life seems to be a bit of a lesson in rejection. Well, maybe not my life in general, but my work-life has been a lesson in rejection. Suddenly, I’ve become a cold-caller. {shudder} If you’ve ever had to cold-call, you know what I mean. The “we’re not interested, hang up” is the norm. They won’t even let you say your name. It’s rather discouraging. Or you do get to talk to someone, and they let you say your whole schpiel (made up how to spell that word), and then say the “we’re not interested.” Harsh blow.

And in other ways in my life, too, I’m sticking my neck out. You know the old saying, “A turtle only makes progress by sticking it’s neck out”? Well, they don’t say that sometimes when you stick your neck out, you move at a turtle’s pace. Yeah, yeah, I know, the turtle wins the race, but watching the rabbits run in circles around you is dizzying in the meantime.

So how to handle rejection?

* Take a deep breath. No, seriously: like, right now, take a deep breath. Feels better already, doesn’t it?

Then, tell yourself this: God has a purpose and a plan for me. And those are perfect purposes and perfect plans. He will get me where He wants me, and He doesn’t reject me.

* Don’t give up. Get right back on the horse. I psyche myself out when making cold-calls between the calls, so as soon as I hang up the phone, I pick it up again and keep on going. But if you need to step away for a bit, that’s fine too. Go for a walk or enjoy a sunset.

*Set realistic, small goals for your next steps, then up the ante. Five calls in the next half hour. Or, write three new cover letters today. Or, send out four more poems to editors this week. Or, better yet, make your realistic, small goal this: do not give in to fear for the next hour. Until lunch time. Today. Tomorrow. This week.

* Remember that now is not forever. It may feel like this is the worst thing ever. Well, you know what? Yes, cold-calling sucks. Rejection sucks. Especially when it isn’t warranted or isn’t coming from something you initiated (been there). But what is happening to you now is not going to last forever. Remember how I said earlier that life changes? Life is fluid. Things come and go. This will end, or dissipate, or lead you on to much better things.

* You are not determined by what other people think of you. You are not your boss’ opinion. You are not your students’ opinion. You are not that fancy-blogger’s opinion. You are not what others label you, unless you let yourself be that person.

* There are many ways to be happy. Okay, so maybe a door of happiness closed. I’m really, really sorry to hear that. But there are so many different versions of happy, as a dear best friend taught me.

* Be thankful and Praise God. There is so much left to be thankful for, I promise. Take a cricitally-grateful eye to your life. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Probably. But you know what I mean–scrutinize your life and find every little thing you can be grateful for–even if it’s (as I read somewhere) that you are horribly ill, but hey, guess what, your elbows don’t hurt. Nor does your earlobe. The skies are always blue above the clouds (don’t check my science on that one, I kinda made it up).

And if you are truly being unfairly rejected? Sleep on it. Don’t react out of fear, anger, or hurt. Write your response on paper, and let it sit for awhile. Take out any emotional phrasing. State your case and let it speak for itself. Pray and trust God.

You want to know a secret? Sometimes God closes doors. These new-fangled spiritualist types want to tell you that you can have ANYTHING and that God wants to give you EVERYTHING. I’ve been hearing a lot about that lately, it seems. Well, I’m not so sure about that. Our God gives and takes away. But never outside of that perfect plan and will. Yes, there is evil in this world, and it will affect you. But God still has your back.

Priority Shift

{beautiful, beautiful flowers from my boyfriend, that we picked out at the farmer’s market}

Life is a fluid thing. A fluid, almost-always-out-of-reach, grass-is-always-green-somewhere-else thing.
Normal changes too often for my liking, sometimes. For a home-body, safety-zone girl like me, that’s a bitter truth to swallow. I find beauty in the routine. What’s funny is…I wasn’t always that way. I used to be the first one to jump in the pool, the first one to try the new thing. I’ve just gotten into a routine of routine
So when my routine changes and my priorities shift, it feels….strange and uncomfortable. You know, it’s like, when you’ve been sitting for too long and you stand up too fast and everything spins and is blurry for a bit, and there’s this strange weight pushing you back down again? And the new normal feels like giving something up. I hate giving things up. 
In high school my routine was simple: homework, ballet, and baking. That was it. In college, homework, chapel, and trips to the dollar store or the waffle house or home to do laundry. Now, it’s work, and being alone most of the time. I’ve grown accustomed to the time alone. I’m never lonely, as I have plenty of ideas and thoughts and projects to keep me busy. (But the not speaking until I get to work thing, now that’s a strange one) Even on a more daily basis, some weeks I’m in a routine of an ice cream on the way home from work, or an iced coffee on the way to work. And these have all been good for a time. But would I want to go back to high school routine? Nah. Ice cream every single day? Nah.
My boss’ boss said the other day to me (well, us, as a collective): Your time and energy demands are about to change. And that stuck with me the past few weeks. A new routine is coming my way. And there will be that strange chair-getting-up phenomenon. And I will still rebel against change (even good change) in my stubbornness, and will bemoan the loss of my current (super-totally-comfy/lazy) routine. 
But when whatever-this-change-is is established at the new routine…well, I think I’ll be quite happy. Quite happy, indeed.

Ahhhh, GOOD Morning!

I FINALLY slept throught the night! It’s been way too hot to sleep well. I am up and at ’em, even had time to do makeup and am grabbing coffee before work. Look out world!

Monday Mid Day

Time for a pick-me-up or two!
A Sweet Treat:
Take lunch on the porch with a novel, some iced chai, and some Cool-Whip (guilty pleasure of mine), fresh raspberries, and a crumbled Nana’s gluten-free ginger cookie. YUM!!! The spice of the chai and cookie go so well with the bright pops of raspberry and the cooling Cool-Whip.
A song I’ve been listening to today:

{never mind the video, it’s just the best version I could find on youtube}

On my List:
You guys, these look totally awesome! Want! Click here for link!

Sweet Pea Saturday

I just looooooove sweet peas. Love ’em. They are like little fairies!!! We all know I like pretty little pink things, so when it comes to flowers—peonies, sweet peas, and fuschias are my faves. Though last year I killed my fuschia plant. Very sad, very sad indeed. Also, sweet peas were my grandma’s wedding flowers. Awww. The sweetest. I’m such a romantic fluff-ball. There, I admitted it.

But no matter—sweet peas smell like heaven (especially if you get the more-heavily-scented heirloom varieties) and when I saw these little fairy wings at the farm stand this weekend, I couldn’t resist. 

Wednesday Mid Day

‘Cause I felt like sharing extra this week.

FINALLY: A tested list of the best antiperspirants and deodorants, including some awesome-sounding natural ones. I’ve tried lots of natural ones (some working better than others) but always keep a Dove handy, too. Can’t wait to try some of these 🙂

COOL NEW RESOURCE: The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood fills a critical need in our society. They started in an effort to combat feminism in our society, and have many good things to say on gender roles and marriage. My fave two articles so far as food for thought: Loving Your Husband Before You Get Married (a great point about loving your husband all the days of your life–before and after marriage), and Female Beauty Matters (which I will be deconstructing in a later post that I’ve been chewing over for awhile…dissecting WHY I chose fashion blogging…) {Please note that I do my best to discern the Biblical strength of resources I post, but I’m not perfect and I don’t know the ins & outs of every organization/denomination/etc. I do the best I can, but please let me know if you think a resource does not stand up to Biblical truths.}

A GREAT DEBATE: Facebook “PDA”? Love it/hate it? The boyfriend and I were discussing this a few weeks ago, actually. Seems like a pretty personal decision–but where do you fall on the issue? Share with everyone you know {potentially including single friends, bosses, ex-boy/girlfriends, etc}? Or do you feel, as the article says, “some things are meant to be shared behind walls, not on them.”?

THE MOST UNIQUE THING I’VE SEEN ON THE INTERNET IN A LONGTIME: This recipe video. So stunning and inspiring:

beet cake from tiger in a jar on Vimeo.

That’s all for now. But I am keeping the “for now” vague. Cause I’m in a share-y mood.

Good Morning!

So before I head out into the great big world this morning, I just wanted to say: have a beautiful and lovely day!

Fear vs. Faith

Decision-making models are practically countless. Just take one business class and you’ll find that out! But we, as Christians, as Good Girls, have really only two options: world-based decision-making, or Heaven-based decision-making. Or, as a more pleasingly alliterative alternative, “Fear vs. Faith.” Have you ever seen someone make a decision based on worldly assumptions, convictions, and desires? I truly believe it comes down to a decision made in fear: I have to do this or I won’t be good/cool/rich/thin enough. Or the worldly decision is based on selfishness, which is really just fear cloaked in self-righteousness.

What does the alternative look like? Well, it looks…scary and humbling, if we’re being honest. It looks….unpredictable. Oh dear. This is really making me want to put on that cloak of self-righteousness and cower under selfishness again. A faith-based decision is based on two things that seem at odds: a knowing and a not-knowing. We may not know why a decision makes sense, we may not know the full details of how it is going to work out or what glory God will be given, but we know with utter certainty that God has our backs. God does not want us to be fearful or selfish. Jesus equates little faith with fear.

26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. 
Matthew 8

 A faith-based decision allows God to show us how strong He is, and often allows us to learn a lesson and be refined. “Giving in” to a faith-based decision may mean letting go of long-held ambitions (that whole cool/rich/thin thing?). It may mean de-focusing on the scary 10% of something and focusing on the rewarding 90%. It may mean relying on the kindness of strangers, or taking a pay cut, or riding the city bus next to that not-so-clean looking person. Sounds scary right?

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:14-16

Fear enslaves us. But when we receive the Holy Spirit, we are freed from fear! Embrace that truth. And we can cry, “Daddy, Daddy!” to a Father who blesses our faith.

Dear Abba, 
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have not given us a spirit of fear or timidity! Thank you that you allow us the grace of your strength when we step out in faith. When we call to you, when we cry out to you, you answer. Help us to make decisions based on your convictions and promises, Lord, not those of this world. 
Your Daughter, 

Monday Mid Day

 Monday Mid-Day Pick-me-ups!! Not that I need a pick-me-up. I’m pretty darn happy! 😀

A free song: 

Cloverton’s “Take Me into the Beautiful” I posted a few Mondays ago is the free song download on K-Love this week! Click here to download to your iTunes!

An awesome hair-styling product:

                 Mom, this one’s for you. The Aveda Confixer is really expensive, but I scoured the shelves at a few stores to find this one, which I believe is very close, and at least $5 cheaper (though still a bit of a splurge!). It’s a fantastic liquid gel that you put on prior to styling.

Thrift Store Scores of the Weekend: {you’ll be seeing these in outfit posts soon!}

Have a beautiful and happy Monday! I have a Weekend-to-Work for you this week, so get excited! 

Midsummer’s Eve

  Apricot-Lavender Crisp and Lingonberry Juice  
{to celebrate my Swedish heritage on a particularly Swedish day, Midsummer’s Eve, when the treats were served}

{the weather has been so horrid all week, taking pictures in my kitchen is like trying to take pictures in a dungeon. Sorry for the poor lighting}
{remember how I told you here that I loved the cookbook Organic and Chic? This is another recipe from that book}
This combination is amazing. My co-worker almost died in delight when eating this. Deeeee-licious. We decided to make jam this summer with apricots and lavender. Wonder if anyone else has ever done that before. If not, we’ll make millions, it will be so delicious. Please don’t scoop me and start selling it tomorrow 😛
Anyway, we also had this…

Because, despite the brown hair, I’m quite Swedish and yeah, sure, you betcha, I’m quite proud to be!