Confidence and a smile.
Do You Kombucha?
Hey There
Summer Snacks
Oooo-eee I’ve found some good snackin’s lately
Here are some of my favorite gluten-free snacks:
1.) Van’s “Lots of Everything” crackers: The taste and texture of a Wheat Thin, with the toppings of an Everything bagel. Lots of good whole-grains, too. Eat by the handful!
2.) Maine Roots Maple-Lemonade: AMazing. SO delicious.
3.) So Delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream Bars: Yummy and dairy-free, too.
4.) Kettle Style Chilean-Lime Avocado Oil Potato Chips: Delicious and actually good-for-you sorta fat. Amazing.
5.) KIND bars: Any and all flavors, but the +Protein ones are great this time of year to bring on hikes or adventures.
6.) Jovial Fig-Filled Cookies: I’ve been a BIG fan of Jovial’s cookies for a long time, but I normally pick up the chocolate (because it tastes like a fudge pop-tart). But this time I got the Fig and they are *amazing*. Yum.
For a Story
Weekend Duds
Into the new week!
How We Feelin’?
A Week’s Worth
Adventuring with KIND & a Giveaway
Take a look at KIND’s website and tell me what your favorite flavor is in a comment (one mandatory entry).