Midwest Living

Sunshine after a snowstorm is one of my favorite things. The houses look like they were purposely nestled in the snow by an artist who wanted to paint them just so. 
Makes me wish I were a painter, but for now, I’ll just be an appreciate-r.

We all complain about winter, but really, it is just so lovely. So, so lovely. Everything covered with fresh white powder, cheery blushed cheeks and rosy noses, and a blast of crisp air to help us feel alive and young.  We have to seek all of that beauty in winter, because if we don’t, our hearts will get buried under the salt and road grime, the coughs and colds, and the cancelled plans from snowfalls. I know plenty about all of those things, too.

I hope that next time you’re buried under 10.5 inches of snow like we are (and will be time and time again, I’m sure!), you’ll make some homemade dumplings, bake some cookies, and wait for the sun to come out again. It always does.
Crossed Hunter boots in the beautiful sunshine.

Blush Pink Dress, Creamy Belt, and Raspberry Sweater. 

One of my sweet friends sent me this lovely little package! Isn’t it happy? I adore the Cath Kidston note, and it was fun to see Midwest Living again. This was one of my favorite magazines during my previous Midwestern years, so it will be back in my reading rotation.
She also sent me this fun Estee Lauder lipstick. I love its modern white and gold packaging, which happened to match my white nail polish! Have you noticed that matching makes me happy?!

Pink & Glitter

We had a snow day this weekend, and what better time to wrap up all of my pretty packages than on a snowy Sunday? Oh my heart is happy!
{get ready for tons of photos}
I find great pleasure in a giant passel of packages wrapped beautifully and coordinating. While there is charm to hodge-podge wrapping, too, this is the way I currently prefer to wrap all of my presents. They just look so pretty and dare I say, glamorous?

All of this was from my stash…having just moved, I couldn’t afford to shell out money on brand new, full-price wrapping paper. The cocoa cups paper is a holdover from last year; the last bit of the precious roll. The pink and gold paper is from my stash…rather vintage-y and yet, modern, too. 

The gold bows and gold ribbon are from my craft stash, too. The pink tags, green twine, and the brown “icing” bags were picked up this summer at one of those fancy boutiques in one of the fancy towns. You know the kind…where the only thing you can afford is some teeny tiny paper bags and a yard of baker’s twine. Granted, they are super cute little paper bags!
And since it was snowing, snowing, snowing, what else to do but bake up the traditional Christmas cakes that take some old-fashioned TIME? You have to beat this batter for 20 minutes by hand, and that’s after chopping all of the nuts and fruit. Then you’re supposed to try, try, try to let it sit in the freezer until Christmas. But let me tell you, it really is worth it. 
Enjoy your Christmas preparations, friends!

Snow White

Snow 🙂

Snow White fingernails, Daisy Ring, and Tea.
 An oldie but so pretty: “Maybe This Christmas…”
Have a good December weekend, friends~!

Eggnog Chai Latte

{see the cute tiny little Swedish Santa?}
You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been digging the seasonal drinks lately. 
I jumped on the Pumpkin Spice bandwagon this autumn, but what REALLY makes my tastebuds jump with holiday joy is the Chai Eggnog Latte at Starbucks. This drink, you guys. I have been having a love affair with it for about ten years. Back when I was a sous chef, the head chef would occasionally order coffee for everyone and they all just got regular coffee, but he knew to order me a Chai Eggnog Latte so I would do a good job on amuse bouche that night to make him look good! Ha.
Anyway, I just knew I HAD to try to recreate this (expensive) delicious drink at home this season. 
You know what?
It tastes even better made at home. My mom (the resident coffee snob) said, “This is way better than Starbucks.” High praise from her! 
And I’m totally going to share the recipe with you, because it’s easy and just far too good to keep to myself. 
I only keep the mediocre stuff to myself, because you don’t need to know about all of the mediocre things I attempt. They’re my little secret. 
I’m really, really wordy tonight with this post, and throwing in a lot of useless information. While I’m going there, I might as well tell you that I had to make an emergency run to the dollar store tonight to get more glue sticks for my glue gun. Super important information.
{A “Sprinkle” of cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger, along with a nutmeg to grind.}
Now, I know, I know, I’ve kept you waiting. Sorry. Here it is: 
Eggnog Chai Latte 
by Good Girl Style
A little less than half of a mug of eggnog (make sure your eggnog is gluten-free if necessary; some aren’t)
A little more than half of a mug of hot, strong coffee (to fill the mug, obviously)
A “Sprinkle” (1/32nd of a teaspoon) of: cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg
A splash of vanilla
Sugar to taste (I used approximately 1 tsp., some like it sweeter)
Whipped Cream
A dash of cinnamon to top
Heat the eggnog until very hot but not scalded. (Easy way: just throw it in the microwave). Stir in the spices and vanilla. Add the coffee. Add the sugar. Stir well. Top with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon. Makes 1 mug.

Now, I’m pretty sure these would be amazing with the Chai Shortbread Cookies. If I had any left. But you can feel free to bake up a batch and share with me.
(PS. Make one of these lattes for your mom. She’ll love you for it)

Categorized as Winter

Casual Day

Just a casual errand-running outfit today. I just love a day when you can bundle up in a bunch of layers, but you don’t need ALL the layers, you know? No hat, thick mittens, and down coat required. It is so much easier to run errands without needing all of those, which you desperately want to shed when you’re inside the warm store.

So for a run to the DMV, thrift store, coffee shop, grocery store, and the library, this outfit works so well. 
Handwarmers can be thrown in my purse, and the vest isn’t overwhelmingly warm. Add a Chai Tea Latte in hand and I’m perfectly cozy. 
And now I’m crazy-inspired, so I’m off to work on Christmas presents!

My Heart is Full of Christmas

{pearls, light pink sweater, chartreuse skirt, metallic/brown vest with fur, brown Hunters, red fingernails. in love with this color combo!}
I’m a sucker for tradition.
Some traditions are more hysterical than others {that wishbone tradition? this year my mom and I both snapped off a short section and the middle ‘wishbone’ part went flying. oops}.
Some traditions are tradition even though we have NO idea why we do them anymore {lutefisk and pickled herring stopped tasting good um…forever ago, literally}.
And some traditions are weighty, worthwhile, and a little bit heart-wrenching. 
Like laying wreaths on family graves. 
This is not a tradition that we generally write about or talk about, but it’s a good one. Oh, it’s a good one.
This is the first year I’ve been present for this tradition, and goodness if the rainy day didn’t suit my mood. I tried hard to smile for these pictures (you should see the ones where I didn’t try. actually, you shouldn’t). I wasn’t somber, really. I wasn’t heartbroken, really. I just felt the weight of it inside my poet’s heart. It feels beautiful to lay wreaths in remembrance this time of year.

Don’t forget to let your heart feel the weight of tradition. It is healthy to remember and reflect, so long as we seek to take strength from there to carry us forward. We mustn’t belong to the past, but we can let the past belong to us in a deep part of our selves, should we want.

My heart is full of Christmas.
It is full of the meaning of the Savior’s birth, so that, as my grandpa’s grave boldly states:

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
because through Jesus Christ the law of the Spirit who gives you life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” 
Romans 8:1, 2
What a powerful statement.
Hold Christmas in your hearts, my dears. Hold memories, blessings, and the hope in the promise that we shall be reunited one day, close to your hearts this Christmas season. 
Much love, 

Chai Shortbread Cookies

These cookies are quintessentially Christmas-y. 
They are like Christmas Stars saying, “Be Merry! Be Bright!”

Oh my goodness they’re yummy, yummy.

And pretty. They are everything a Christmas cookie should be. 
Chai Shortbread Cookies
by Good Girl Style

1 package Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free shortbread cookie mix OR 1 recipe of your favorite shortbread cookie recipe
1 1/2 sticks butter (for cookie mix)
1 large egg yolk (for cookie mix)
2 TBSPs. water (for cookie mix)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 to1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. cardamom
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 cups confectioners sugar
2 TBSPs. corn syrup
4 TBSPs. water (more or less as needed)
1/2 tsp. almond extract (it’s clear so it keeps the icing white; OR 1/2 tsp. clear vanilla extract)
To decorate:
Star Anise
Cinnamon Sticks
To Begin: Follow the package directions for the cookie mix OR for your favorite shortbread cookie recipe, stirring in the spices to your own liking. Place the dough onto a lightly floured work surface; give it a few good but gentle kneads until it comes together. Flatten dough into a disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 1/2 an hour. Once chilled, cut the dough in half and work with half of it at a time on your lightly floured work surface. Roll to desired thickness (I made some thick and some thin…they both taste great, but the thin ones were very fragile). Cut your cookies with lightly floured cookie cutters. Since this dough is fragile, take your time and use a thin spatula to help you move the cookies if need be, flexing the cookie cutters to gently release the dough onto the cookie sheet. If the dough becomes too warm, chill the cookies and dough before baking. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-18 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of your cookies. Repeat process until you have used up all of the dough. 
Carefully, carefully, carefully slide the cookies onto a cooking rack with a thin spatula. Once completely cooled, make the icing. Sift the confectioners sugar into a medium bowl. Add the corn syrup and flavoring. Slowly add the water while mixing until everything is incorporated and you have a stiff icing for piping the edges. You want to be able to pipe it, so it should be stiffer than regular icing. Put a quarter of this icing into a pastry bag with a very thin round tip, or into a Ziploc bag with the top twisted and the tiniest corner snipped off. Outline the stars with this icing. 
Now add the rest of the water to the leftover icing to get the consistency of a normal or “flooding” icing. Fill the pastry bag or Ziploc again and flood the inside of the stars to fill them in with icing. Let dry. 
Sprinkle some with cinnamon, leave some plain, and add Star Anise to some.

ENJOY in good Christmas spirits!

PS> I served these with Pumpkin Spice Eggnog.  

Bootights & Stripes

Oh stripes, how I adore you. Oh cupcake hair, how I adore you (see, cause my bun looks like a swirl of frosting?). Oh giant sunglasses, how I adore you.

Also adoring these new lace-up boots that were a bit of a steal from the consignment store. I bought a bunch of clothes to the consignment store the night before my move. My car was already packed to the hilt, and I was entirely exhausted, but I had one bag of “good” clothes that wasn’t coming with me. I used the credit I earned for these boots, knowing full well I had absolutely no room in my car for them. In desperation, I managed to cram them under the front passenger seat. I think it was worth the effort, because of their shearling lining, lace-up front, and Chukka-boot styling. What do you think?
{pink fingernails}
Ok, now I’m excited to share the best part of this post! 
I think you all know my penchant for wearing skirts and dresses in winter, since the “how-to” it is my most popular post. Well, I am just so excited to have something totally new to add to my winter wardrobe: Bootights.

You guys, it’s a tight with a sock, too!
I’m really just thrilled to have found this company. Their thick, premium-quality, made in USA tights combine a sock into the tights so that you don’t have to ruin your tights in boots, have your feet be slipping inside boots, or layer thick or unsightly socks over your own tights. You know exactly what I’m talking about, right?! It can get ugly when you have a gorgeous outfit on and then throw on cheesy off-season holiday socks over your tights in your boots because it’s all you could find….only to show up for a fancy dinner party and be asked to take off your shoes. 
These are the Flannel Pinstripe tights. They are really thick and luxurious, with a very thick and cozy calf-length sock attached to the tights. I was worried that the seam attaching the two would be flimsy and cause them to rip, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. The sock makes these tights especially warm inside boots, and I felt cozy and comfy all day, even in my ‘dressier’ boots. The tights definitely have a control top, so be aware for those holiday food-laden parties 😉 They have many patterened tights that will be perfect for the upcoming festive party season (click on the title of the tight for more info)!
I’m going to update my “How to Wear Skirts & Tights in the Winter” post this year, and I will be SURE to include this amazing new find. If you live where it’s cold, these are an incredibly valuable addition to your winter wardrobe. They are a little pricey, but they are made in USA and definitely high-quality. When it comes to tights, I’ve noticed that you really get what you pay for. And there’s always Santa!
Seriously, these would be great (and punny) stocking-stuffers. 
I crack myself up.
Now, I just need to get their other cute ones. I’m thinking Herringbone and Clark Cable (ha).

*These tights are c/o Bootights in exchange for the words, images, and opinions in this post, which are my own, honest and unbiased. Thank you, Bootights!

Tiny Stories: Volume 2

 You all know Joseph Gordon-Levitt, right? Pretty face who plays beside Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer? Played Robert Todd Lincoln in the currently-box-office-hot Lincoln? Rumored to be playing Batman in a new comic-inspired movie? Yeah that guy.
Well, turns out he’s also the pretty face behind the online collaboration production company, HitRecord, that allows artists to post, compile, collaborate, and remix to create even better art, film, writing, and other projects. They travel, they publish, they produce CDs, sharing the collaborative art (and then sharing the profits with the collaborators). Pretty cool, right? 
The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories Volume 1 debuted last year, filled with small stories and art created by HitRecord collaborators. They’re quirky. They’re different. Some of them are a little bit strange, a little bit funny, a little bit sentimental. Some of them make you cringe, make you wonder, make your heart swell, or make you shake your head and giggle a little.

Volume 2 is hot off the presses from It Books, an imprint of Harper Collins. It makes a wonderful stocking stuffer for a friend. Tuck a little bookmark or Starbucks gift card inside, wrap it in craft paper, tie it up with some twine, maybe add some washi tape. They’ll think you’re super cool. (which is true)

Here are a few of my favorites:
See artists worked together on the story and illustration. They hit record, they remixed it, they turned it into something unique. I adore this one.
Truth be told: These two volumes are lovely. They are a pleasant reminder of the tactile beauty of the printed book, with their textured, imprinted book jackets and their quirky, artsy vibe. 
And I love that, being a quirky, artsy story-teller myself.
YOU can join, too! I scoped out the collaborative scene, and I think I just might jump in myself and contribute some writing to be remixed. Let’s fill some pages for Volume 3, yeah?
I have always identified with the quotation, “The universe is not made of atoms; it is made of stories.” ~Muriel Rukeyser
HitRecord adds one important word to that: tiny
“The universe is not made of atoms; it is made of tiny stories.” ~Muriel Rukeyser and wirrow 

Many thanks to it! books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. These words and opinions are my own.


A casual outfit for watching the football game and playing games with my fam on Sunday afternoon.

Pizza, chocolate, and Trivial Pursuit?

I also tried this fun “bubble ponytail” and I’m kind of in love with its cute, fun vibe.
Also: Hershey’s milk chocolate nuggets with toffee and almonds are the most addicting things on the planet. 
And they look super-luxe in their gold wrappers in a pretty bowl for the holidays. 
{As IF they would last long enough to ever make it into a pretty bowl. Ha!}

Categorized as outfits