Cyber Monday Deals

Just had to pop in with a SALE SHOUT (throwback to the good old days when this blog was still just “FashioNatalie”). Here are some sales running TODAY ONLY:

Um, hello cute shoes for cheap-o at Payless: Cyber Monday: 30% Off Sitewide at! Use code: CYBER30

J.Crew Factory: Everything is marked 50% off. Use code for free shipping: YOURGIFT

Burt’s Bees: Free Shipping one day only, no minimum order at!

Dayspring’s super cute mugs and lots of other items: Super Deals- up to 70% off! and for everything that isn’t a SuperDeal, Use Code: 30SUPER for 30% off

Much Love, Illy: Go order some cute hair things from Illy! Use code: CYBERMONDAY for 25% off your entire order

ModCloth let users vote on what was on sale, and here it is:

*This post includes some (but not all) affiliate links. 

Categorized as Sale Shout

Good Monday Morning

{first snow + Minnetonka mocs}

Good Monday Morning, lovelies! Goodness me, I haven’t done a GMM post in forever 🙂 But where there’s sunshine, there’s happiness, and where there is happiness, there is inspiration. So, since it is a sunny morning this AM, I’ve got a GMM post for you! 

~taking in the happy explosion of color and pattern in my apartment while sporting a crown braid. Vintage couch, vintage beach bag, clothes steamer, chevron satin pillows, Kaffe Fassett wool hooked rug, closet/vintage clothing explosion on left.~

I’ve had these pictures of my old apartment on my desktop since I moved, because I enjoy looking at them. The space was very happy…very Natalie. I loved that anytime someone new came over they would glance around, smile big, and say, “Natalie lives here.” I love the little corners, and thought I’d share a few with you this morning.

~city skyline porcelain tray from Urban Outfitters~
~Mercury glass votive holders from local store~
~Etched glass frame from a tag sale (brand new!)~
~Katie Daisy card framed~

~Curly Girl leftover calendar page~
~Birds + branches coat hook~
~midweight coat, heavy coat, rain coat~

~Vintage yellow desk~
~Vintage lamp, files, cell phone, etc.~
~”Wag More, Bark Less” sticker~

~Vintage lamp~
~Marimekko Tin~
~Giant clothespin~
~Liberty of London pen holder~
~Pointe shoes picture~
~Pink scissors, fan from Japan, palm cross kept from Palm Sunday~

~Clean water around the world is one of my missions. This Hope photo holder with a picture of a family that we donated a water purification system to, gives me HOPE too, and reminds me to be selfless and grateful.~

Also wanted to share this great, great poem by William Stafford that was the Poem of the Day from The Writer’s Almanac (psst…they have 20% off in their store with code “DANCE” today only, and that’s not an affiliate link!).

Any Morning
Just lying on the couch and being happy.

Only humming a little, the quiet sound in the head.
Trouble is busy elsewhere at the moment, it has
so much to do in the world.
People who might judge are mostly asleep; they can’t

monitor you all the time, and sometimes they forget.

When dawn flows over the hedge you can

get up and act busy.

Little corners like this, pieces of Heaven

left lying around, can be picked up and saved.

People won’t even see that you have them,

they are so light and easy to hide.

Later in the day you can act like the others.

You can shake your head. You can frown.

“Any Morning” by William Stafford from The Way It Is. © Graywolf Press, 1999.

Have a GREAT Monday and a beautiful week!

Categorized as happy, Winter

Blessed & Grateful

{Thanksgiving outfit! Navy lace, mint cords, pearls, hair bow, smiles. Not sure why I didn’t zip my ankle zips. I just never got around to it.}
I keep trying to write something meaningful and poignant about Thanksgiving this year.
I’m a writer. I’m a poet. 
Expressing feelings in words is what I do.
And yet, this year, with my heart so full, I can’t think of anything that doesn’t sound sappy.
Trouble is, all of the cliche things are true.
I am grateful. My heart is utterly thankful and blessed and worshipful.
I am thinking of those who have passed away, who aren’t with us, who are far away, who are fighting for our country, or who are facing trials & tribulations far beyond what I can imagine this holiday season.
I truly am on the verge of tears thinking of those things.
It feels so much easier to just talk about pumpkin pie and discount codes because those are safer. 
We don’t have to be vulnerable or honest to think about those things. We can joke about them easily. And I made my fair share of jokes this Thanksgiving, to be sure!
But my heart feels so much more, and sometimes it’s hard to find the room to vocalize it or express it. 
My family isn’t really much of the share-your-heart type. We’re definitely the pie-joke type. 
Except on a day like Thanksgiving, I really want to share the deeper heart-things of life.  Maybe that only comes the day after, full of pumpkin pie, having used up all of the turkey jokes, sitting here with a mug of tea writing about it: maybe that’s when my heart gets to express its true thanks. Even if I can’t quite find the right words.
Hopefully everyday I can let those around me know I am so glad that they’re in my life. That I am so glad they brighten my day, make me laugh, hug me, and sometimes, when the mood is right…talk about the deeper things in life, and how thankful we are for each other. For family, friends, and faith.

and gluten-free Mile High Pecan Pumpkin Pie, of course. 

Categorized as outfits

What are the Odds?

What are the odds that this skirt and this shirt are in almost-exactly the same shade of chartreuse? One is a bit shinier than the other, but otherwise, I could be wearing a dress, don’t you think? They were bought years apart, one from a thrift store, one from a tag sale…one is a Japanese brand and the other is a modern boutique-y brand. Love it.
{leggings underneath to keep nice and toasty & covered when the wind blows}
What are the odds that is was 60-something degrees this mid-November day? 
Slim but glorious. 
What are the odds that my whole entire family moved back to the same area within a few weeks? 
Crazy but true. 
What are the odds that tomorrow I’m making a Mile High Pumpkin Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving? 
Very, very high. 
What are the odds I will resist the temptation to eat a sliver of that pie until Thursday afternoon?
Mmm…. negligible.

What are the odds that I have no idea what sort of face I’m making in that photo above, that I got another cold, that I had practically a million cups of tea today, that I ate lunch at 3:30, and that I am crazy-excited to watch The Voice tonight? 
All extremely high.

Categorized as outfits

Mail Call Monday

I LOVE these inRL (“in real life” from (in)Courage) postcards. They feature inspiring quotations from the inRL community on inspiring community and living life with God’s perspective. So many good ones to share (and put up on my bulletin board!). Check them out here: (in)courage Postcards from God’s Beach House – Encouragement – Set of 20 and  (in)courage Postcards from God’s Beach House – Friendship – Set of 20.  I love postcards because they are quick to write out  they cost less to send.
I also sent out a beautiful card for a co-worker whose husband is in poor health, and a few more moving announcements. Sending mail is one of my favorite little ways to encourage friends.

Even though I don’t live near them right now, I have SUCH good friends, and I am blessed that they like to send me mail, too! My best friend sent me this package with hot pink and leopard tissue paper. Better yet? The package was filled with ballet leotards and legwarmers so I can get back into ballet once I finally settle into my new routine. She knows me so well and it inspires me daily. being on the receiving end of packages makes me all the more anxious to send them out, because I know how exciting it is to receive real mail, filled with love and goodies.

Martha Stewart Living, a package from another friend (with pink/green/glitter polka dot tissue!) and Christmas present supplies! (sorry, had to block out my address with the heart, hehe)

So many good things amidst the bills and junk mail.
Next up? Sending out Christmas cards and Christmas presents.
How exciting 🙂
Have a good Monday!

Pink Polka Dots

I’ve been lapping up every second of this November sunshine. Just sitting in the window like a cat, keeping it open a crack to get the crisp air inside. I soak in the sunshine and store it away for the days that are gray. 

This skirt is like a big security blanket. 
I’ve thrown it on with boots to return a movie right at the strike of the 9pm return deadline, I’ve worn it out in the rain to get Chinese food well past a decent dinner hour, and I’ve worn it to work and church. You’ve seen me throw the bottom hem up in a knot because I will admit it IS a tripping hazard. Which for me is life-threatening since I’m just a bit clumsy.  

Here I paired it with pearl earrings to mimic the polka dots, a pink polka dot tee, and my polka dot sleeve blazer. Then I threw on my new favorite blingy-bling ring. Bam. This ring practically walks into the room before I do.

Before I trip on my skirt and fall into the room, that is. 
One of these days, no doubt. 

Categorized as outfits

Swedish Sort of Day

It was a gorgeous day last week for a visit to an incredibly gorgeous place…the American-Swedish Institute in Minneapolis. Last time I was there, years ago, it was simply (ha) the gorgeous mansion on Park Ave. that belonged to Swedish immigrants. This summer, they completed renovations that added an entirely new (modern) wing. Mom, Grandma, and I (sorry to the bro and sister-in-law for the salt in the wound here) ventured there on this gorgeous day.
This glass conservatory is just stunning. I adore it. 
And of course I wore my Swedish colors! 
Wondering how they still had so many pretty red roses in the courtyard…

The old meets the new. The mansion reflected in the new addition. 
 ASI just opened their Nordic Christmas exhibit, where each room of the mansion reflects the traditional decorations and stylings of a Nordic country at Christmas. I won’t bore you with the hundreds (literally) of photos I took, but let me just say: I’m crazy-inspired by my heritage, and I can’t wait to decorate in the traditional Nordic themes for Christmas this year.

Why yes, I did ride the mechanical dala horse. You know you would have too.
His name is Gustav. 
It costs a quarter. Totally worth it.
We had coffee in their new restaurant, Fika. Fika is the Swedish coffee break, filled with lots of coffee and LOTS of sweet things. We wanted to go at Fika time because we’ve gotten in the habit of breaking for Fika  at home.

Cardamom Cinnamon Roll with Swedish Pearl Sugar, anyone? 
When we were nearly finished, we ransacked the gift shop (no, just kidding. we didn’t do that; the bus tour group that was also there did that, ha!). But I did stock up on my favorite Swedish ribbons to use for my Nordic-themed Christmas, Swedish candy, and my favorite Swedish soap. And I looked ever-so-longingly at just about everything else, including the amazing array of Swedish baking and knitting books. Swoon. 
I’m so inspired! It is so much fun to be back in Minnesota with family and tradition everywhere I look.
Outfit~ Sunnies: local store, Necklace: Kohls, Blouse: Land’s End/thrifted, Sweater: American Eagle, Skirt: J. Crew, Tights: Missoni for Target, Boots: Forever21, Bangles: J.Crew and local store

Categorized as outfits

Polka Dots, Zig Zags and Daisies

The sun was out yesterday. 
You know, after it was snowing/raining and before there were tornadoes and then it snowed again.

Minnesota, whatchyou doin’?
Calm this crazy weather down, will ya?

{Zig-Zag tights! The best!}

{Daisy Baubles! Also the best!}
But when the weather gets crazy, the outfits get crazy! 
Mixing polka dots with zig-zags and daisies.
That I like! Those are good things. 

Categorized as outfits

Monday Treat: Pumpkin Spice Mocha

I was really on a kick making those pumpkin lattes in September when the PSL craze always hits. 
Then October came around and I got tired of them. 
But last week my grandma ordered the Pumpkin Spice Mocha and was raving about it, I thought to myself:
Adding chocolate to Pumpkin Spice?
Brilliant. Inspired. Invigorating.
So this lazy Sunday afternoon, my mom and grandma came over and we made these Pumpkin Spice Mochas and chatted about poetry. I’m not sure I can think of a better way to spend a Sunday. 
And now I’m back on the PSM kick. That’s a Pumpkin Spice Mocha kick, in case you didn’t catch that.
Goodness, it’s delicious. 
Grandma said it was every bit as good as the real coffee shop version, and my very picky coffee-savvy mom agreed that it was exceptionally delicious. Me? Well I was too busy drinking mine in a moment of bliss that I didn’t say anything. 

You must make sure you serve these hot.
Enjoy on a snowy November morning or afternoon…like today!

Beauty with a Purpose {Part 2}

I can’t stop smiling. I tried. But it’s really, really hard because I’m wearing this amazing hot pink lipstick. And it not only feels good, it does good. As I said yesterday, this beautiful makeup from Radiant Cosmetics helps fight human trafficking by raising awareness and donating funds.
I also can’t stop wearing this lipstick. I wore it to church. I wore it to work. I wore it on the weekend with a white tee shirt and jeans. I wore it to the polls to vote. 
It is just so much fun. I can’t get over it. And how fun is it with a polka dot (that are actually tiny hearts) peplum top and bright pink Swedish clogs? Swoon.
So let me just gush about this lipstick a little bit more. Look at it! It’s gorgeous! The tube is lovely, shiny, and heavy…you can tell this isn’t your drugstore lipstick. I also adore the Radiant logo. Nicole sent me a personal, handwritten note with those beautiful cards in the background…I loved the personal touches and great customer service. They really do care.
Here I tried not to smile for a moment, so you could see the lipstick.
It went on very smoothly, very pigmented, and lasted forever. I put this lipstick on in the morning and proceeded to: eat celery and lunch, drink from a water bottle all day, drink coffee from a to-go cup, eat dinner…and at the end of the day? 
Still as bright pink as can be. I didn’t even layer it. I just put it on my bare lips. That’s staying power. 
I also used the beautiful Pirouette (shimmery light beige-pink) and Ahoy (matte navy) eyeshadows. Above I used just the Pirouette with a silver gel eyeliner. 
I also wore the Ahoy and the Pirouette with blue eyeliner:
Subtle, but still very fun. 
Beauty with a purpose in products that I love and would purchase anyway?
That’s something I can stand behind. 
Next time you need a pick-me-up and are tempted to buy a standard-issue Sephora lipstick, think Radiant instead. I know you’ll love it. I can’t wait to add more Radiant Cosmetics to my makeup bag. And speaking of makeup bags, they have cool ones handmade by ladies in Uganda. Even more awesome.
Thank you Nicole and Radiant Cosmetics!
These products were given to me in exchange for my honest review in the words and images in the two posts I created. Since they were given to me, there were no profits to be donated to fighting human trafficking. To counteract that, I happily donated to one of the organizations that Radiant partners with, Love146. Maybe you’ll be inspired, too!