Friday Morning Musings

It’s a quiet Friday morning here–my favorite kind. I awoke late, and turned on my pretty little reading lamp. Stumbled to the kitchen, arranged a cup of tea, a buttered piece of toast, and some strawberry yogurt. Brought the meal back to the bedroom, fighting the urge to snuggle back in bed with it, and instead hunted down some museums and recipes and such online. With just the light in the corner from my little bedside lamp, it feels rather wonderfully old-fashioned in here; as though I were going to sit in the corner with my quill and write a letter, or a great American novel. Instead, I click-clack away on my laptop, creating a blog post. And now, I shall return to my bed with my second cup of tea and my book! Wake me upon lunch time should I snooze 😉
(I am currently reading The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, which I have been completely enamored with since I saw the HBO series a year or two ago. I have since bought the DVDs and the books, and turned many people into fans of the series. It is only too bad it seems to be on an interminable hiatus 🙁 I HIGHLY recommend it! Go get it now. It is so soothing, and beautiful, truly being filmed in Botswana. Let me know if you want more details!)

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