
I’m feeling so happy and blessed today. It was a wonderful weekend–it was sweaty and hard work to throw a 2-day tag sale (alllllllllllll day both days), but such a blessing, too. I met some great people, had wonderful conversations, gathered so many ideas, drank a lot of coffee, enjoyed fellowship & company of friends, and was thrilled to make some gas money for my move.

I ended the weekend with a cookout and several toasted marshmallows, with more good friends!

This darling little dress? Well it is bound to become a great friend in my closet, too. I’ve worn it twice since I got it last week! 


Friday morning, my french press broke. Not even the glass! I was washing it and the plunger just snapped off. Crazy. Anyway, one of my best friends is such a dear and she gifted me this HOT PINK french press. 
The best. 
Friendship is oh so dear. 
I’m already loath to leave, and start over on that front.
Enjoy your Monday! I hope you have the day off…but if not, put a smile on and enjoy the day anyway. Why not, right?

Late Summer

Back to sundress weather, with a sweater! I love this weather, and can’t get enough. 
In Minnesota, I call it “Shorts & Sweatshirt” weather.
I wish you could see the darling detail on this dress better. It has “apron” style pockets, and little bows on the shoulders. So fun and cheerful! It’s a garden-party of a dress.

I’m working hard on fitting in lots of wonderful summer adventures before fall arrives, and before I move.
That means ice cream after work, hanging laundry on the line, going to tag sales, picnics, going to the drive-in (gah I haven’t been this year! I MUST go!), hiking, etc.

And BAKING, of course! There are oodles and oodles of farmer’s market inspirations…have you guys discovered the late-summer raspberries that are amazing right now? I can’t get enough.

Have a great weekend, friends! 
Make the most of every moment…but don’t forget that relaxing counts, too!

Categorized as outfits

Fall Textures

It felt like Autumn today. 
So I broke out my new little fall sweater (new = 25 cents from tag sale!) and paired it with some classy patent pumps for a texture swtich. These pumps have a rattan heel, which I thought matched the texture of the sweater nicely. 

And I don’t really have much else to say except I’m tired.

So I’m going to have some coffee and get to work on business plans. 
Sounds good-ish, right? 
{trying to pep-talk myself, ha}
Have a good one!

Hot Pink 4EVR

Hot pink + Natalie = Best Friends 4EVR

Also, you can tell I was having a wonderful time at a picnic party, because my belt is totally askew and I had no idea.
Yes, belt askew = obviously Natalie had a great time at a picnic party. 
It just SCREAMS that, don’t you think? šŸ˜‰

In all honesty, though, it was such a wonderful picnic with people I love. And while I’m not technically family, I’m totally family. Y’know? The best thing ever.  I will miss these people dearly. For the past 6 1/2 years, we have built into each other’s lives, seen triumphs and trials together, seen boyfriends/girlfriends/marriages/children/deaths…we’ve been doing life together. That’s the family of God at work. We are created for such community, and being involved in it fills a deep need in our lives, I believe. I am so thankful for that. 

Categorized as outfits

GGS Goes Shopping: Back to School

I had a request for a back-to-school  post, so of course I was happy to indulge in some online shopping   and share some picks with you! This year, I’m digging the tobacco color, blue, and light pink. Throw in a dash of red, and it’s a great color combo that will take you through the seasons. Quirky and girly details such as lace, feathers and bows are perfectly pretty for the classroom. I carried a giant { it’s called the “Big Student”…I was actually so tiny that my backpack weighed more than I did and I pulled a muscle in my chest from carrying it…so I don’t recommend that} red Jansport backpack all during high school and college. For my Master’s Degree, I switched to a Longchamp tote bag. I personalized my backpack with a few keychains that showed off my interests: a tiny Freed pointe shoe (perfect Christmas gift material!), and a small bear with a chef’s hat from Johnson & Wales.

Back to School Style

This time of year, I’m all about skirts, dresses, and tops that can be worn as-is now, and paired with thick tights  and cardigans in a few months. The ballet flats and moccasins will be super cute for fall and winter with tights or socks.  Every high school or college girl needs a cute sweatshirt. This ballet-pink number with lace insets on the sleeves and back seems perfect to throw over a tank top when you’re needing a cozy comfort piece. Since it’s going to get cold, I suggest a classic coat in a pretty color, some funky handwarmers, and a cute headwrap.You may think it odd that I’m pairing a pink coat, blue headband, and red backpack, but really, I think it will work well.
Happy Back-to-School, dears! Here’s a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils JUST for you…colored or regular, take your pick! šŸ˜‰
Categorized as outfits

Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Guest

What does one wear to a New England farm wedding? Late-August, just-hayed fields, heat, bugs…no heels, no air-conditioning, late-afternoon to late-evening…I mean, I was a little stumped.

Especially since I have never been to a wedding where I wasn’t part of the wedding party! When you’re a bridesmaid, you don’t have to worry about looking great, because the bride has already got that covered for you {remember this beautiful dress I wore for my cousin’s wedding and this pretty yellow one from my brother’s wedding?}.

This is what I ended up wearing. What do you think? Flat “snakeskin” sandals, an old-favorite floral dress, bright ikat cardigan, and pretty hair/makeup/jewelry details. I’m still wondering if it was a bit casual. Then again, the cute invitation said to, “Dress to impress the goats.” Ha! I love it.
Do you think they were impressed? 

Categorized as outfits

Weekend Baking: Pop Tart Cookies

So. You’re gonna wanna make these cookies
Like, soon. 
Eat them for breakfast, snack, dessert.
Eat four of them at once if you’re feeling self-indulgent. 
Consequently, you’ll feel particularly motivated to exercise. 
If you, like me, had a cinnamon pop tart, toasted, every day of your elementary and middle-school life, and you had to go gluten-free, those deliciously sugary treats are one of the biggest things you miss. 
But they’re back! 
Just make these cookies. 
Eat them. 
And then, for pete’s sake, go exercise. 
{that’s a note to self}

Thank you for the recipe, Dana!

Dreams & News

You know how sometimes God softly beckons your heart, and whispers to you a dream? God has given me a whisper-dream from the time I was a little tiny girl. A whisper-dream that I hope, with His grace, I can nurture into a reality that is bigger than anything I could imagine on my own, for His glory. I’m moving back “home” to Minnesota to be with family, where I will be working towards my lifelong dream of starting a bakery. 
I know it won’t be easy. To be honest, God usually calls us to difficult things, don’t you think? But the best part is, He gives us the grace to get where He wants us going. I sit here humbly, honestly, anticipating many nights of tears and frustration. Nights where my dream takes a totally different direction and I have to struggle with my vision versus God’s. Days of schlepping back and forth, days of burnout, days of aching wrists and back, sweat from painting, hammering, and creating. 
We pay a price to follow our dreams. But what if we look at it as payment in kind, perhaps, for an opportunity to be all-out for our dreams, to be stretching ourselves into fully blossomingā€¦putting our pennies in the piggy bank so that, down the road, we can crack it open and find that weā€™ve invested in something much bigger than ourselves, and much more beautiful. I know this wonā€™t come easily. I know that weā€™re talking years of sacrifice. Iā€™m signing up for something that Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll question time and time again. But my heart and spirit tell me: now is the time. God has ordained me to spread my wings and fly, to His glory. The past few years have been a wonderful training ground of sorts. I feel incredibly blessed to have developed a strong support system, to have gained maturity and experience, and to have sat at the feet of people so well-versed in following their dreams. It will be difficult to leave this life I have here of people, places, and memories that I dearly love. I do not let go of these things lightly; no, indeed, I will always carry them with me. But there are so many people saying, ā€œGo, Nats! Now is the time!ā€ with affection and tears in their eyes. That makes me feel so utterly loved and empowered. 
So now, I will pack my Subaru with baking pans, vintage clothes, and so much love, and head back to my Swedish roots. 
“Sometimes right back where you started from is right where you belong.” ~Leigh Standley 
Indeed, and I cannot wait to begin “belonging” again in Minnesota.
I am so excited to set down roots and wait for them to “flour”–oh I couldn’t help but throw in one baking pun, you know me.
And so it begins…

Wearing Hats Part 5: Peach Feather Hat

Hat Four: Peach with Pearls, Bow & Feather

Today was fabulous. Fabulous, I tell you. 
This morning I jumped out of bed for coffee and a cherry-almond-streusal muffin. Nothing like a good breakfast to get me out of bed! Then I spent the day…being me. Y’know? One of those days where you’re doing your THANG, and no one’s going to stop you? That’s right. Gotta love it!
So many wonderful things today. 
My heart is full. 
But I’m sad that “Hat Week” is coming to an end. What did you think of the outfits? Were you inspired to rock a vintage hat? 
Hat: Vintage
Pearl Earrings: Gift
Blouse: Target
Pencil Capris: Gap, thrifted
Heels: F21, thrifted
Shoe Bows: Vintage

Categorized as outfits

Wearing Hats Part 4: Black Bow Hat

Hat Three: Black with Bow on Back
I was looking through old photographs last night. 

Feeling really wonderfully nostalgic. The good kind of nostalgia. The happy-it-happened, weren’t-we-cute, wasn’t-the-world-lighter-then sort of nostalgia. The best kind.

I got excited to make more memories. I felt inspired: THIS is my one life. These days will soon be the memories. So I’d better snatch every beautiful thing I can!

God is still at work in my life, refining me little by little, sloughing off the rough edges and making me more like Him. But in the meantime, isn’t it a good feeling to be mostly content with where you’ve come from, and excited to see what’s around the next corner? I hope you feel that way, too, dears, I really do. I’m excited to see what God has planned.
Hat: Vintage
Sunnies: Local Store
Blouse: Local store
Pedal Pushers: Thrifted
Heels: Thrifted/F.21
Shoe Bows: Vintage