Red, White, and Blue Through and Through

{For a weekend at the lake, that didn’t really end up being one, but it sort of was, still. Haha. I was planning to wear the seersucker capris you see, but it was too hot. Shorts had to do! You guys for the second year in a row I completely forgot to wear the tattoo. sad}

Wow, so this post is incredibly late due to my computer issues.Nonetheless…

{red, white, blue, and gold}

{Stars and Stripes toes!}

Style Secrets
Necklace: thrifted
Shirt: J.Crew outlet
Belt: From another dress
Shorts: J. Crew
Bangles: combo of vintage and from mom
Handbag: Pierre Deux
Shoes: store in FL
Categorized as outfits

Saturday Scones

An early morning baking. Bringing scones and a pink travel mug of hot tea to go garage sale-ing with friends. Reading a great magazine, Life: Beautiful. Have you seen this before? It’s the Christian version of Martha Stewart Living. I really enjoy it!! I urge you to find a copy, or perhaps subscribe. I found my copy, believe it or not, at Walgreens (!). Then perhaps a drive-in movie with the boyfriend? Enjoy a perfect Saturday, honeys!
Categorized as reading


Hey guys! So this is definitely not one of my favorite outfits, and I must admit, I think anything “babydoll” lives up to it’s name (no I am NOT pregnant, lol), so I’m not sure why I still have them in my closet! But I like the colors, and I had the photos in my Flickr, so it was the only outfit I could blog from the boyfriend’s house! And I needed to blog something today. Going through withdrawal because my computer is currently fried!

Style Secrets
Sunnies: French Connection
Earrings: Art fair
Ring: Local boutique
Tank: Target
Jacket: French Connection
Jeans: TJ Maxx
Flats: Gap
Categorized as outfits

Fear vs. Faith

Decision-making models are practically countless. Just take one business class and you’ll find that out! But we, as Christians, as Good Girls, have really only two options: world-based decision-making, or Heaven-based decision-making. Or, as a more pleasingly alliterative alternative, “Fear vs. Faith.” Have you ever seen someone make a decision based on worldly assumptions, convictions, and desires? I truly believe it comes down to a decision made in fear: I have to do this or I won’t be good/cool/rich/thin enough. Or the worldly decision is based on selfishness, which is really just fear cloaked in self-righteousness.

What does the alternative look like? Well, it looks…scary and humbling, if we’re being honest. It looks….unpredictable. Oh dear. This is really making me want to put on that cloak of self-righteousness and cower under selfishness again. A faith-based decision is based on two things that seem at odds: a knowing and a not-knowing. We may not know why a decision makes sense, we may not know the full details of how it is going to work out or what glory God will be given, but we know with utter certainty that God has our backs. God does not want us to be fearful or selfish. Jesus equates little faith with fear.

26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. 
Matthew 8

 A faith-based decision allows God to show us how strong He is, and often allows us to learn a lesson and be refined. “Giving in” to a faith-based decision may mean letting go of long-held ambitions (that whole cool/rich/thin thing?). It may mean de-focusing on the scary 10% of something and focusing on the rewarding 90%. It may mean relying on the kindness of strangers, or taking a pay cut, or riding the city bus next to that not-so-clean looking person. Sounds scary right?

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:14-16

Fear enslaves us. But when we receive the Holy Spirit, we are freed from fear! Embrace that truth. And we can cry, “Daddy, Daddy!” to a Father who blesses our faith.

Dear Abba, 
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have not given us a spirit of fear or timidity! Thank you that you allow us the grace of your strength when we step out in faith. When we call to you, when we cry out to you, you answer. Help us to make decisions based on your convictions and promises, Lord, not those of this world. 
Your Daughter, 

Not a Day Less Will Do

Below is my specialty pose. I call it the “Crazed Flamingo“:
{you can tell when the boyfriend took the pics, because I make silly faces. because he says things like, “oh yeah! work it! the camera is loving you!”}
 {ballet pink fingernails}

And this song. This lullaby of a love song:

Style Secrets
Tee: F21
Sweater: Garage sale
Necklace: Self-made
Belt: Thrifted
Ballet Pink Pencil Cut Jeans: Gap/thrifted {so in love}
Slingbacks: Dressbarn/thrifted

Monday Mid Day

 Monday Mid-Day Pick-me-ups!! Not that I need a pick-me-up. I’m pretty darn happy! 😀

A free song: 

Cloverton’s “Take Me into the Beautiful” I posted a few Mondays ago is the free song download on K-Love this week! Click here to download to your iTunes!

An awesome hair-styling product:

                 Mom, this one’s for you. The Aveda Confixer is really expensive, but I scoured the shelves at a few stores to find this one, which I believe is very close, and at least $5 cheaper (though still a bit of a splurge!). It’s a fantastic liquid gel that you put on prior to styling.

Thrift Store Scores of the Weekend: {you’ll be seeing these in outfit posts soon!}

Have a beautiful and happy Monday! I have a Weekend-to-Work for you this week, so get excited! 

Midsummer’s Eve

  Apricot-Lavender Crisp and Lingonberry Juice  
{to celebrate my Swedish heritage on a particularly Swedish day, Midsummer’s Eve, when the treats were served}

{the weather has been so horrid all week, taking pictures in my kitchen is like trying to take pictures in a dungeon. Sorry for the poor lighting}
{remember how I told you here that I loved the cookbook Organic and Chic? This is another recipe from that book}
This combination is amazing. My co-worker almost died in delight when eating this. Deeeee-licious. We decided to make jam this summer with apricots and lavender. Wonder if anyone else has ever done that before. If not, we’ll make millions, it will be so delicious. Please don’t scoop me and start selling it tomorrow 😛
Anyway, we also had this…

Because, despite the brown hair, I’m quite Swedish and yeah, sure, you betcha, I’m quite proud to be!

End of the Night

It’s the end of the night and the end of yet another pretty journal filled with my life.

I always feel like the start of a new journal marks some sort of significance in my life. What will it be this time? What year and a half worth of life will I capture within its pages, within my heart? My journals are my prayer journals. They hold cries of my heart, longings, prayers answered, prayers unanswered; they hold all of my foibles and all of my fears. They hold the triumphs when there is no one else to share them with, the little inconsequential battles won. They hold all of this so I can remember. So I can see later. Indeed, there was an answered prayer. Thank goodness God didn’t answer that prayer! See how He was preparing me for that?

He is always preparing us, molding us. He is always refining us, defining us again with His love {this song}. Shaking the dust off us and saying, “Now try again, my child.”

At the end of the night, I run to my Heavenly Father. I run to Him and I say, “Daddy! Daddy! Did you hear about today?! Did you see that? Did you know?” and He says, “My daughter, my dear, I was there with you. I ordered your steps today, and it gave me great delight to sing over you.”

And tonight, I run to Him and I am all smiles. You know how a happy little girl runs to her daddy and says, “Daddy, I LOVE you!”? That’s what I do tonight. I lavish my love and praise on Him. I raise my hands and I sing Him a new song. My heart loves to bring Him praises.

I have a feeling good things will be in this new journal. Very good things, indeed.

Apricot Sunshine

 {Udi’s multi-grain GF bread, my favorite jam that’s so expensive I can only buy it once a year when it’s on sale at the Co-Op, and my favorite tea to drink every morning}

There is no real sunshine in the skies. There hasn’t been for days….weeks….But I found some sunshine! Pure, apricot sweet tartness in a jar! On my toast!

Toast? Actually good gluten-free bread!!! Good enough to eat straight out of the bag! Or use for sandwiches! It’s true love! I canNOT get enough of this combination. I’ve been eating it night and day. Literally. For breakfast and a late night snack. Sometimes I even add a swath of natural peanut butter. Gooey deliciousness.

A Picnic Dress

I saw this dress at Target and I knew it had to be mine. It is the perfect picnic dress! And the boy and I have a perfect little picnic spot that’s just ours. The dress fits the fingertip rule, but of course, is also pretty floaty, and needed a pair of shorts underneath.
Style Secrets
Sunnies: Local Boutique
Necklace: Lucky
Cardi: Target
Dress: Target
Shorts: Soffe
Sandals: Target (wore my croc mary-janes for exploring)
Categorized as outfits