Coffee Date Vlog 4

Happy Friday!
And now the random things!
1.) Seriously, if you haven’t tried the snacks from yesterday’s post, I highly recommend them all! I love being a small blogger because it means I can write about whatever I want…including SNACKS!

2.) I saw Lee Strobel speak this week. Y’know,
The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus (and Case for a Creator, Case for Easter, etc.) author? So that was kinda cool. Until he walked by me and sis-in-law taking photos in the hallway with my remote and the camera stacked on a bunch of random stuff as we dissolved into giggles over trying to get a picture (of us, not him). So that was kinda awkward.
3.) Some people are getting Emerald Green and Kelly Green confused, even major fashion bloggers. Emerald Green is the 2013 Color of the Year and it is a jewel-tone, meaning it is dark, saturated, and rich-looking with a blue undertone. Kelly Green on the other hand is much brighter and yellower.

I love them both, but I just had to get that off my chest. Stepping off soapbox now.
4.) I sure hope no one ever looks at my Google Search History. Because I seriously just Google-d “How to Sell Your Life Story for a Movie.” Yep. 
5.) You guys, “We Bought a Zoo” is no longer available at my RedBox. How do they expect me to watch it, HUH? I would like to know!!!!!!!!!! #caffeinecrazy
Over and out, my friends! Have a great day!
(Linking up with Rags to Stitches!) 
Categorized as vlog

Favorite Snacks

February Snacks
Call me weird, but I love talking snack foods, especially gluten-free snacks. Good, healthy, easy, quick snacks are hard to come by, so I periodically share some of my favorites.

Clockwise starting with top left:
 Goody Good Stuff Koala Gummy Bears: You guys, these are amazingly delicious & I like the texture much better than regular gummy bears.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Drink – Ginger Spice : This one is a bit of an acquired taste, but I think you’ll come to love it. And it is just so incredibly healthy for you.
Sahale Snacks Tuscan Almonds with Parmesan + Herb: Most of the Sahale line of flavored nuts are amazing, but these are my most recent delicious find.
Trader Joe’s Sipping Chocolate: This was a birthday gift from a friend, and it’s incredible.
Brown Cow Cream Top Greek Yogurt, Maple Flavor: I cannot get enough of this. I think it might be the best yogurt I’ve ever had and I eat a lot of different yogurts; it’s one of my favorite foods to try new flavors and brands. This one is standout.

I have also been making these 1 Minute Coffee Cakes preeeeettty much daily since I discovered it! YUM!

I hope you enjoy and find some new favorite snack foods too šŸ™‚

*This post contains some (not all) affiliate links, which means that if you buy something through one of my affiliate links, I earn a few cents. Thanks for supporting GGS!

Boucle & Bootights

{newly thrifted purse}

 {awkwardly leaning against wall trying to hide the remote}

{Target star scarf I’m totally in love with}

{Gorgeous pale pink boucle wool skirt from J.Crew Factory & Striped Bootights tights}
Categorized as outfits

City and Country

I think this outfit is a little bit city, a little bit country.
Just like this girl.
Just like the song I’m totally in love with since the Bachelor last night. 
“Got a heart like Indiana…”
This city-country Indiana girl loves that line šŸ™‚
Speaking of the city, I learned something today about living here today. I guess here it’s considered de rigeur to actually wash your car. I dunno…maybe I’ll try it…
maybe not. I can’t give up all of my country-girl ways.
Categorized as outfits

Guest Post from Katie: Knitting in Albania

Hello, friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to my in-real-life friend, Katie Hawkins! Katie is currently serving as a missionary in Albania. I’m just so thrilled that she took some time out of her busy life halfway across the world to share with us one of the things she’s learned as a missionary: asking to learn from others. What a powerful way to build community! Instead of always sharing our passions with others, look what can come from asking to learn their passions:

I once tried to learn how to knit a long time ago from the internet. I couldnā€™t do it. Who would have guessed that years later Iā€™d learn to knit in another language! 

Iā€™ve been living in Albania for almost 2 years now. Knitting is crazy here. If speed knitting were an Olympic sport, Iā€™m pretty sure every Albanian woman would qualify. And they donā€™t even look at what they are knitting. They can carry on conversations and keep eye contact with you the whole time. Itā€™s pretty crazy. 

I feel like practically every single woman knows how to knit. They knit socks, hats and shirts the most. Not because they are trendy but because they need them for winter to stay warm. Many times, they even spin their own wool. Because itā€™s cheaper than buying yarn already colored and spun (which you can get for $1.50 here).

Me attempting to spin yarn. Itā€™s way harder than it looks.

You can see women knitting all the time everywhere: on their porches, on the side of the road, by their fireplaces, near their sheep/cattle as they wait for them to eat. So I figured if I was ever going to learn to knit, surely Albania would be the place. 

But to be honest, I was pretty scarred from my first attempt to learn. I tried to make a scarf but it was so wavy that I almost got seasick just looking at it.

I didnā€™t really want to go back down that road. But since I wanted to become better friends with one of the ladies I live with, I thought itā€™d be a great way to spend some informal time getting to know her. 

So I asked if she could teach me. {Read more after the jump…it’s a bit long, but worth it :-)}

She got a huge smile on her face and said of course! I started with a sock. She let me use her needles but when I hadnā€™t finished the first sock nearly two weeks later, she asked if she could finish them for me because she needed her needles back. 20 minutes later, she had finished both socks for me. My first pair of socks!

Yes. The color is that obnoxious. I didnā€™t have much color choice.

But during that time, she came to my house more to check on my sockā€™s progress. I went to her house more because I often got stuck and needed help. And guess what. Because we saw each other more, we got to know each other more!
And so I started another pair of socks. After I went and bought my own needles so I could knit at my own pace! But I was getting brave. I used two colors! And made lines in them!

Much better color. I actually wear these when other people are around.

There are two other women who live in the same gated area too. After I got started with my new sock project, one of the other ladies began to check on me. And offer her help. And sit with me while I knitted. 
So I began to ask her for help too.
Then my landlady began to check in on my knitting. And soon, I was recruiting her for help. Before I knew it, my roommate (who was starting to learn to knit at this point) and I would be spending a couple hours several times a week knitting with these women. And guess what happened.
We learned about their pasts. We learned about where they grew up. What life was like in Albania as a child in a village. We heard about funny childhood memories. We heard stories about when their kids were younger. We learned more about them. They learned more about us. We connected. We bonded. We deepened our relationships with each other.
All because I asked for help for something I wasnā€™t even sure I wanted to learn how to do. 
When I asked these women to teach me how to knit, they loved it! Now, anytime people come over, one of the first things they do is brag on my roommate and I because we know how to knit. It makes us more Albanian and the Albanians prouder!

Me knitting with my Albanian grandmother while she spins wool. Never thought Iā€™d be able to say that!

Ok, technically, we only know two stitches and neither of us have yet to finish a project by ourselves. So the they use the term ā€œknow how to knitā€ very loosely when describing our capabilities. But they are just so happy they could teach us and share their passion for knitting with us. 

They donā€™t really care if we donā€™t love it as much as them. They just love the fact that we are interested in something they love so much and are willing to try to learn. They know we arenā€™t good. But they donā€™t care. They care that we want to learn from them.
I know I love to share little bits of wisdom about my passions with people. I donā€™t care if someone is starting out or just curious. I just love to pass on any revelation or bits of advice about the things I love. But how many times have I missed an opportunity to share because someone didnā€™t ask?
How many times has someone else missed an opportunity to share their passions because I didnā€™t ask? Maybe instead of offering our help all the time, we should ask for help more too. Chances are, when someone is passionate about something, they will be more than happy to help. And who knows, an acquaintance might become a friend…or three!
Who can you learn from this month?

Categorized as musings

Weekend Bonus! Makeup Vlog

Hi friends! I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday! I’m getting ready to head out for lunch, but I thought I’d just pop in and share a video about my basic, everyday makeup routine. When I am just doing this in real life (and not talking to the camera!), it takes me under 5 minutes to do this start to finish.
Starring (In Order of Appearance):
CoverGirl TruBlend Mineral Makeup (bummer, looks like they changed it a bit)
Discontinued Lola blush color, but here is their website
Sonia Kashuk for Target blush (looks like travel version is sold out)
Discontinued Smashbox Palette, but this one and this one look similar
(makeup bag is Estee Lauder freebie :-))
If you’re looking to add something dramatic, check out my False Eyelash Tutorial. Love false eyelashes, they don’t have to look fake or tacky.

False Eyelash Tutorial 

Like I said, I am no makeup expert by any means, but I do love to see other people’s routines and favorite products, so I thought I’d share mine. Is this similar to your everyday routine? 
Have a great Saturday!
Categorized as video, vlog

Coffee Date Vlog 3!

Crazy to think it’s been 3 weeks since I started this fun vlogging thing, but it’s true! Lighting is such a massive issue in my house, so again, sorry for the terrible lighting. Ugh this gets more embarrassing every week and yet I love it!
Now, the fun little things:
1.) See all of the new pretty little social media buttons on the right sidebar? Catch me on some other social media platforms for extra so-called wit/dorkiness/useful content/music/etc. 
2.) Modcloth’s big sale is sadly no longer happening, but they always have amazing stuff in their sale section, and their prices overall are fantastic anyway. Shop ModCloth
3.) Don’t you think it would be awesome if I traveled around and spoke about faith-based fashion? I kind of think it would be super awesome (but I might be a tad biased!).
4.) I’m so very excited to have Lily & Light on my sidebar this month! Ya’ll shout out to sweet Kristin!
5.) I really want these. Really, really, want these floral striped staws!

Linking up with Rags to Stitches for Coffee Date!

That’s all for now, but as you can see, I’m a bit #caffeinecrazy so I might be back later šŸ˜‰

Categorized as musings, vlog

Pink Fur & Mermaid Sequins

I’m not sure which animal was killed to create this pink fur coat, but I sure hope it wasn’t a Care Bear. 
Oh wait, it’s fake fur. 

How much fun is all this texture?! Fur jacket, paillette (big round flat sequins, usually matte) “Mermaid” top, jeans, and suede ballet flats. I love being able to wear this fur jacket and sequins for a casual outfit. Sometimes you just gotta say, “Today’s a fur jacket day!” even if there isn’t any special occasion.

Pink fur kind of IS its own occasion. 
And so is Thursday night.
So I think that calls for a jump-up-and-down, throw-your-hands-in-the-air worship song, right? Totally.
Happy Almost-Weekend!
Categorized as outfits

Lavender Hot Chocolate

This is a fancy, intoxicating, luxurious brew. The kind that makes you instinctively curl your knees up on the couch and let out a sigh that encompasses all of the bad things of the day. Then you breathe in the aroma of lavender and dark chocolate and the world seems new again. Winter seems wonderfully inviting. The gloomy world outside doesn’t have anything on this lovely drink’s effect on your happiness. I can’t imagine anything much better than a hot bath, followed by a cozy blanket and this hot chocolate. Go ahead, pamper yourself.
Lavender Hot Chocolate
(basic recipe from Simply Recipes; scaled for 1 mug)
1 cup milk
2 oz. dark chocolate (60% cacao), chopped or chips for easy melting
1 1/2 Tsp. powdered sugar
Splash of vanilla
Pinch of salt
Bring milk and lavender to a simmer in small pot. Remove from heat and let steep 10 minutes. Strain the lavender out and return the milk to the pan. Add the dark chocolate, powdered sugar, vanilla, and salt. Whisk until chocolate melts and incorporates. Pour into mug, top with whipped cream, and enjoy.
Categorized as drinks

Pink Pants & The Happiness Equation

Fuschia pants in winter make me super happy. Also, these pants were $3 at the thrift store, so that’s pretty happiness-inducing, too. I take my happiness where I can get it, and I can usually get it at the thrift store pretty inexpensively šŸ˜‰

Today’s outfit “equation” brought to you by the fabulous Mrs. Lilien. So much style in that lady, I tell ya! 

I like to think of this as “Pink Pants & The Happiness Equation.” In case you missed that because, after all, it’s a foggy-gray-sleety-snowy-depressing January Tuesday, the equation is: Pink Pants = Happy. See, super simple. Add some leopard and some bling, and the happiness quotient triples! We get three times the happiness! That means it’s Pink Pants + Leopard + Bling =  Happyx3

So then  I asked my engineer friend if this was correct. And she said, “I’ll make you a proof!”

So that, my friends, is proof of my theory of happiness. 
Just don’t ask me how adding things somehow multiplies them.
I just can’t spend any more brain power on this.
*Ok technically it is A proof, meaning a formal mathematical demonstration. Also, she made it fancier and more official, but it was really kinda long.

By all accounts, I was no math rockstar back in school. Just put things in terms of pink pants and leopard shoes and I’m willing to give it a shot.
But I gotta be real because Mrs. Lilien lives in Palm Springs, and I live in Minnesota. Sooooo for actually going out I looked like this:

And I’m not really sure where coat + scarf + boots fit into the equation. 
Which just goes to show you can take the girl out of the math class, and what little she learned in that math class won’t go with her.
Natalie – Math Class = No Idea How to Do Math
And now we’ve come full-circle.
Happy Tuesday, friends.

PS> Another #KissSlaveryGoodbye post wearing my Radiant Cosmetics Daphne lipstick. So totally in love with this lipstick & mission.