Mad Men Party Outfits

I’m so excited to hear that my favorite ad agency is back in business…on TV, that is! Mad Men is officially starting Season 6 on April 7. Let’s just talk about that photo above for a sec, one of the stills from the new season: 
1.) SALLY! She’s so grown-up and I adore her little gloves. 
2.) Betty is back in shape and as stunning as ever.
3.) Love Megan’s late-60s hair and dress. Also: Her makeup!
4.) Don’s looking as dapper (and yet concerned) as ever. Love a man in a bowtie. 
So, you’re probably going to a Mad Men party come April. Would you go as Betty, Peggy, Megan, or Joan? They all have distinctly different styles. If you’re like me, you don’t want to wait until April to find the perfect outfit. You want it now. You want it hanging in your closet. No, actually, if you’re really like me, you’d probably hang it on the outside of the closet door so you can admire it for the next few months. Here are some outfits to consider, complete with vintage-style dresses, low heels, pearls, gloves, hats, and handbags!
Sophisticated but girly, and a little bit more fancy. Try a floral gown with pretty pearls, embellished gloves, and pink heels.

Necklace: Talbots//Dress:

Prettiest Gal in the Bloom Dress//Gloves: Brixiana, Etsy//Heels: Bandolino

More conservative and working-girl, but we’ve seen Peggy’s style evolve and grow. This outfit is perfect for going to mass with her family.

Also Consider: Work or Playful Dress

Very trendy and smoldering, Megan steals the show with her youthful, modern style.
Dress: Free People//Rhinestone Choker: F21// False Eyelashes: Sally Beauty//Heels: Franco Sarto
Also Consider:Mermaid to Measure Dress
Joan shows off her lovely curves in tight satin, and often wears red and red lipstick, even as a redhead. What would Joan be without an embellished secretary pen necklace, even though she’s now a partner?
Necklace: HubbaHubs//Dress:Full Steam Ahead Dress//Lipstick: Radiant Cosmetics (image)//Heels: Sam Edelman
Also Consider: Feel the Vibrant Dress

Now you’re all set for hosting or attending a Mad Men Premiere Party for Season 6! Yay! And we can watch all of the re-runs we want and look at our pretty dresses for a few months. That’ll chase away the winter blues, right?

PS. Modcloth dresses like to go in and out of stock, so don’t worry if one isn’t available…chances are it will  be back in stock by April!

*Disclosure: This post contains some (not all) affiliate links.

Weekend Wear

Weekend Wear
Weekend Wear

Relaxed boyfriend jeans, a cute & cozy sweater, ankle-strap tiny wedges, some bling-bling to take it up a notch. Newsboy hat and military-inspired jacket, pop of color in a kelly green bag, and a black and white Hello Kitty character scarf (because who says we have to be grown-ups all the time?)
Weekend, let’s do this!
Have a great one, friends!
PS. Now you can pin my images super easily! Just hover over an image and wait for the cute pink “Pin It!” heart to show up, then click! 
Categorized as outfits

Coffee Date Vlog

Vlog #2!
Woo hoo!
My utter dorkiness is real, live, and unedited in all its glory…
Since it’s my second vlog, go ahead and laugh at me.
And also, sorry for the weird lighting. The sun is playing peek-a-boo today.
Linking up with 5ohWifey and Rags to Stiches
Here’s vlog #1, in case you’re interested.
Happy weekend!

Calling & Answering

I heard this song for the first time four years ago. Almost exactly four years ago. This beautiful song that makes me cry.
“I called, You answered….
and I, I want to be where You are…”
I heard it in a desperate hill country, in a place filled with violence and poverty. 
Filled with beautiful people, amazing mountains, and incredible culture (along with some questionable food).
A country with Erica Lisbeth, this darling girl pictured above, who lives in Imbabura province in Ecuador and attends a Christian & Missionary Alliance church. The very same Imbabura where the Otavalo natives were unreached and unfriendly to the Gospel.  Until God called Evelyn Rychner.
God called Evelyn and gave her a heart for Imbabura. A big heart like the one carved into the mountains there by two landslides. Art at the hand of God is visible all over this place; in piles of spices in the markets, in the strains of familiar worship songs sung in the Quicheau language, and in the smile of a little girl who took her favorite sparkly sticker off her Bible, ripped it in half, and stuck the other half on my Bible. 
{Praise God we get to worship together forever in Heaven! I can’t wait to give her another hug!}
Like Evelyn and so many before her and after her, God calls us to places on His heart, and writes them on our hearts.
He has rescued us. How can we not share that?
See it’s this reciprocal thing.
When we call, He answers us. And when He calls, I sure hope we answer Him yes.
No matter how weak we feel in the moment. He will give us the heart for it.
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’
And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!'”
Isaiah 6:8

You rescued us. 
May we want to be where You are, Lord.

Have you sought God’s “travel plans” lately? Where is He that He wants you alongside Him?
Your own home? Downtown in your city? Or maybe even halfway around the world?
Categorized as musings

Weeknight Project: Mason Jar Soap Pump

How cute is this? And Pinterest-y, if we’re being honest. 
Best yet, it cost me $3 and about half an hour.
That’s some Pinterest-y cuteness I can afford!
1 Mason Jar with 2-piece lid
1 pump from another bottle (hand sanitizer or soap pumps work great! You’ll want it to be long enough to allllmost hit the bottom of the jar)
Super glue gel
X-Acto knife and awl or another tool to get the hole started

Use the X-acto knife to score an X where you want the hole to be in the flat part of the lid, then use the awl and pliers to open it up so that the thickest (top) part of the pump you chose will fit snugly. The hole doesn’t have to be perfectly centered, because the rim of the pump will cover it a bit on the top.

Make sure you carefully fold down the metal pieces on the underside so no one will get hurt! Then, line the rim of the jar band with super glue gel and push the flat lid down so the two lid pieces will become one. Let dry thoroughly.
Make sure the pump fits, and hold it steady while you take a bit of super glue to secure the pump on the underside of the lid. Let dry. 
Fill your jar with soap, screw on the lid, and enjoy your handiwork! 
~Linking up with Skip to My Lou!~

Let’s Play Choose the Belt

{I really did brush my hair, promise}
I’m such a dork; I totally love game shows. I love old fashioned ones, and watched many rounds of Card Sharks & vintage Let’s Make a Deal when I was younger. Over Christmas break, I watched a good deal of current Let’s Make a Deal (goodness, I think Wayne Brady is hysterical).
{outfit details}
So I thought it might be fun to have you help “style” me today!
 You can see I’ve got this gorgeous coral color goin’ on in my bangles and Caroline G. necklace.
Now, let’s play: Choose the Belt!
So should I stick with coral? Go neutral? Throw in a fun pattern?
Belt Choices
{#5 is definitely called “coral” on BR website, though it looks crazy-orange here}
Got a favorite?
I’d love to know which belt you would choose for this outfit.
Unfortunately, there is no prize (because how could there be a winner? You’re all winners in my eyes!). Also unfortunately, there’s no Wayne Brady involvement whatsoever.
But I still  can’t wait to hear what you think! 
Categorized as outfits

Fun or Frumpy?

I’ve noticed a new trend: over-the-knee pencil skirts, or midi pencil skirts. To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about them, especially considering I just sold a 90s wool version to the consignment store.
Should I have kept it?
Does this conservative look say cute & vintage, or dated & age-ing?
What do you think?
Fun or Frumpy?

Earl Gray Lemon Latte

This drink. Oooooo, this drink. It inspires me. But the bills I was racking up at Caribou Coffee, where they created this delicious tea latte, were not inspiring. They were downright depressing. How in the world is $3.80 for a small okay? 
What do they think Caribou Coffee is, an airport?! 
(I crack myself up)
Don’t worry, Caribou, I still love you, and I will still be visiting you. In fact, I just ordered another tea latte yesterday. But for me, this is the Winter of Drink Recipes, or so it seems. Being able to make lattes at home is fun and easy, too. So I pulled out my darling little vintage yellow pitcher and set to work recreating the “earl gray tea extract” and “lemon creme sauce” per Caribou Coffee’s website. 
Go ahead and thank me now. Or come over for an Earl Gray Lemon Latte.
I hope I spelled Gray with an “a” this whole way through, because sometimes I get a little excited and throw an “e” in there.
  Fair warning: Earl Gray tea is caffeinated. 
Earl Gray Lemon Tea Latte
 {Caribou Coffee Copycat created by Good Girl Style}
Makes approx. 2 regular-size or one giant-sized or one regular-size & one refill…you get the idea.
Earl Grey Tea Extract
Use twice as much tea as you normally would in half the water. I used 2 teabags in 2/3 of a mug of water, as I usually use a very large mug for my tea. Steep 5 minutes, no longer or else the extract will become bitter. Remove tea bags and keep extract warm.
Lemon Milk
1 cup whole milk
1 tsp. lemon extract
2 TBSP. powdered sugar
2 tsp. honey
Heat gently, while foaming with a wire whisk. (Edited to add: You can use a frother if you have one!)

To Create Drink:

Fill the mug 2/3 full of tea extract, slowly pour in the lemon milk to fill the mug. Enjoy! 

Categorized as drinks

Well Then…

It’s the middle of January. It’s -7 degrees today, actual temperature.
I need some sunshine.
Sunshine in the form of a summer dress?
Why not?
Just layer it up!
So long as the background or floral colors are deep enough to coordinate with some darker winter layers, a summer dress can be a cheerful addition to a winter wardrobe. 
(Gray 3/4 sleeve tee & thermal shorts under dress)

At least, I think so.
When I was trying on a few clothes at the thrift store, another woman looked at me and said, “You look like you’re dressed for the wrong season. Don’t you have any winter-appropriate clothes?” I think she was genuinely concerned for me, bless her heart. I wasn’t quite sure how to respond, considering I had dressed this way on purpose. Oops.

So now that you’ve seen my attempt at this outfit, you can see what thoroughly inspired it, this gorgeous photo from one of my new favorite bloggers:
She’s so chic
I think I look like a middle-schooler trying to look like the cool high-schooler…
Actually, that analogy kind of sums up my whole life, haha.
Happy Monday!
PS. Sharing a bit of my heart about Faith-Based Fashion on Rubi’s blog! Check it out 🙂
PPS. If you have cabin fever, too, check out Modcloth’s mad sale:
And doesn’t that red dress look SO SIMILAR to mine?
Categorized as outfits

Coffee Date Vlog

Happy Friday! 
Today I’m trying out something totally new: a vlog or video blog! 
Nothing monumental, just a “coffee date” chat and linking up with Rags to Stitches!
Um, so, like, this is me, you guys (embarrassed look). This is my first vlog so go easy on me!
Let’s see, what else is new? 

1.) I wrote about my beloved New England state, Vermont, for Elembee blog.

2.) You can “like” me on Facebook now! (if my video hasn’t scared you off!) I share a lot of new stuff on here that isn’t on my blog. 

3.) This post went a little crazy on Pinterest. Have you tried it, or pinned it for later?
4.) Here’s a link to the book I mention in my vlog.
Have a great weekend, my dears!